This critically acclaimed film chronicles the fight for justice by former gymnasts who allege physical, emotional and sexual abuse by their coaches in the UK. The film details heart rendering accounts of how their lives were devastated through damaged relationships, anorexia and alcohol addiction.
Kids who have been sucked into gang life reveal how it happened. Their stories are brought to life using cutting edge animation. With exclusive access to West Midlands Police gangs unit and St. Giles Trust this film is must watch viewing for every family.
A magical film for Sky Arts based around the only full TV interview ever given by venerated poet and author, Laurie Lee. A truly insightful, uplifting documentary which reveals how Laurie created works like the six million selling Cider With Rosie, and features the great man reading from his work.
A documentary with unrestricted access to Europe’s biggest ever modern slavery investigation. A beautifully crafted film, shot over two years alongside police and prosecutors. Nominated for an RTS. Winner of the Anti-Slavery Day Media Award for Best Broadcast.
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